September 26, 2007

why do *you* think we are to exist

squeaktoy ninja: i think we exist to experience; to stretch the fabric of our emotions; to find peace amongst the madness
sofistiktd lady: why does madness exist

how matches wishes to answer that hard it is to do, in practice! what would we be without this sea of possibilities? spoke with the jeff today about art; about how it exists as a record of a mind, about the places we have the ability to find. matches' favorite line of the conversation was when jeff said that the mind was like diving into an ocean...the deeper you go, the less natural light there is, and the easier it becomes to get scared. art is like a sunken treasure, dragged up to the surface...mysterious and crusted with remnants of the deep. dynamic minds have gone to these places and fumbled along the floor...but artists are the ones that can bring something back, that can describe somehow these things that one cannot pierce with sight or net with touch.

all the chaos that we are wedged between, these grinding fault-lines that crumble and scatter us; these seem to be necessary, don't they? most people swirl melancholy and malicious undertones into the words - chaos, madness, confusion, static. but how limited, boxed, and bumpered would we be without them? how prodded and persuaded into common areas? we all have choices in the matter, and we are in a better situation for it. the design is brilliant. there is such a contrast between madness and control...which is to say that, of course they are different, but they do not necessarily need to be separate. nobody will get anywhere by roping in every element around them and maintaining a stance of the strictest would be too tense, when life is about dancing. to issue control as universal law is to be drawn and quartered willingly, to select stasis. a person is not a rope, not a chess piece~ we only avoided the red tiles in elementary school because we imagined them to be lava.

which is absurd. but, we could choose to be absurd; it was practically expected of us. and if matches was given a choice between absolute control and absolute absurdity; well, which would you pick? one cannot measure out one's life in teaspoons.

it still exists, this madness, this extreme freedom. it forges us into who we are. what do you choose to do with your personal time, since every possibility lies open to you? every path, every discipline, every study. what do you choose to imagine? matches still braces his back to the wall every so often, pretending there are ninja enemies around the corner. you probably wouldn't catch him doing it any any social functions, but there it is. that is just one simple freedom of mind, but it serves to illustrate that consciousness can immerse itself however it pleases, at any given moment. that, is the madness; infinite possibility. the madness tends to get a bad rap, because the choices of others also carry the possibility of carving up our emotions like a halloween pumpkin...but that's just one of the calculable casualties of solitary minds existing in a social context. people are going to get hurt by any number of things; one of the foremost being negligence. it seems shady that people can be hurt merely by someone else's focus being diverted to another thought, but that's the way things are. it tends to have more to do with the person getting hurt than the person doing the hurting~

"When you get the blanket thing you can relax, because everything you could ever want or be you already have and are.
...You can't deal with my infinite nature, can you?"
~ i heart huckabees

matches maintains that keeping the madness alive should be a singular priority for just about everybody. one of the most brilliant charms of life is the ability for one moment to be completely different from the next. if there weren't a veritable ocean of possible configurations (and locations) for the mind and the body, then we would not have nearly the capacity for uniqueness that we currently do. instead of wishing all of our problems away, we should revel in the idea that we are the masters of our own destiny, and that we can dive into the depths whenever we require it of ourselves. the art that we currently have serves as a series of bookmarks...the dog-eared pages of the human experience. we marvel that minds have found their way into these puzzles, and applaud those who can bring back tales of their adventures. to bring genuine contemplation into the world is a decision that very few are willing to commit to...and while it is a flame that can never quite be put out, matches thinks that we should all try to nurture the spark within ourselves when we find occasion to. illumination is a scarce resource, and we can put to good use all that we can get~

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