November 5, 2007


it should be noted that matches has more business plans and ventures than could ever possibly take off, considering the status of his capital and ambition. well, ambitious, yes. actually committed to creating the reality? less so. if the university ever takes off, it will be anchored to a coffee shop of some sort. such a good one, he must keep the sheet over it for now. but that's phase one, first phases being alternately the hardest and easiest depending upon the alignment of the stars and such. they can be naively brilliant and also catastrophically shortsighted. the word of the day is out of the way~

here, a thought comes this way, drifting lazily off of the scissoring speaker-fades from one corner of the room to the other. "how is it that music is more expressive than mere words?" thank brett for that question. why is it that mattress can lose himself within a rhythm; what severs the knots of identity and tugs your shoes off, floor-ward. forward. comfortable; select. because music stirs up some tempest, some tornado at which the listener is centered, touching and disrupting all that comes within this space. no longer matches, no longer idle and is natural companionship, it lends second and sixteenth dialogue to whatever is seen, whatever is felt. it crisps thoughts like marshmallows, making them scintillating and making them sticky, webbed to the moment; it hardens their boundaries and lends them authority. music is masonry; music is un-fuck-with-able.

how can it create this shield effect? is it spellbinding; does it trick the mind into lucidity? or is it an actual transcendent, something beyond that takes us to a higher place? could that be created by people like us? is it possible that the divine trickles down through us, that our minds slip upon it every so often like patches of black ice, and it cracks us in the head with a dose of truth? matches thinks's a combination of that, and the ability to perceive divinity channeling through sound that creates these poetic negative spaces. so don't count yourself out if you don't make beautiful takes a special something just to be able to really appreciate the notes that are already out there.

"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
~ w. wonka

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