January 30, 2009

25 things 'bout you

1) i still have a very vivid imagination and, when you're not looking or around me at all, i'm probably ninja-pressing against some wall in an effort to get all cloak-and-dagger with the next person to walk down the wrong hall at the wrong time. an alternative possibility is that there may be magical spells erupting from my fingertips.

2) my #1 favorite food is fruit. my #2 favorite food is sushi.

3) i wouldn't go so far as to call myself obsessive-compulsive, but i'm certainly compulsive-compulsive.

4) i believe that the world is speaking to us, telling us what to do and how to achieve balance, down to even very specific little things. i believe that it is possible to cultivate one's mind such that the whispers which we only catch hints of from time to time become more like a complete and articulate dialogue.

5) while it may not be fashionable to have an amazing, drama-free and well put-together family, i have one that i am so proud to be a part of and wouldn't trade for the world. they give me ground to walk on when everything else is missing.

6) i really like to quantify things, mostly because i think it is an exercise in absurdity. when it comes down to it, the second best coffee i've ever has was really only about 75% as good as the best coffee that i've had.

7) i've always been a sucker for green eyes. when i was little, i wished and wished and wished for green eyes; mine were brown. i wished hard. in high school, my eyes changed colors and now they are 70% green, 30% brown.
that's a funny follow-up to the last point, but these numbers are actually quite verifiable.

8) i aspire to be great at a lot of things, but most poignantly i will be disappointed in myself if i don't end up writing a handful of books that i can be proud of putting out into the world. if i sell out and write gobble-fiction, that might be even worse~

9) my favorite place that i've ever been to is garden of the gods in colorado springs.

10) my most valuable possessions are my old moleskin notebooks, although i rarely ever look back through them. i would be less devastated if my car got stolen.

11) my dreams tend to achieve a balance with my life. when my waking life is extraordinary and exciting, my dreams are mundane. when my life gets repetitive and droll, my dreams unfold thunderous and colorful.

12) i believe in a deeper order of connections between things than just what we can see, and i have one specific personal and surreal experience which i attribute as the anchor of this belief.

13) i've eaten well over 4000 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches in my lifetime.

14) one of the biggest turning points in my life was when i realized that it is okay to feel sad; that we shouldn't always feel the need to grapple for happiness in every moment. that is one of the most liberating perspectives that i have come across.

15) i have a very irregular filing system for my memory. i haven't quite figured it out yet. all i know is that i have an extreme recall of many details, but i need a solid trigger to really unleash them.

16) i tend to judge religions and philosophies on the personalities which they produce.

17) i think of my brain as a tool for making living easier (or more difficult) and more interesting. i come up with strange thought exercises that bend my perception, and i think that they have helped somehow, doing something.

18) at some point in my childhood i founded an assumption that i was going to live for 100 years at minimum. i will probably be disappointed if i don't reach that number, illogical as it may seem to my adult self.

19) a lot of times i am frugal to a point of insanity, and it gets a little out of hand. usually i won't buy things at the supermarket unless they are on sale, and i will rarely get a single drink at a bar. if i'm going to pay for it, then i'm gonna go big or go home, as they say. usually i just get nothing, and am pleased with not paying twelve bucks for a minor buzz.

20) graveyards freak me out a little bit. no, seriously, more than they freak you out. srsly.

21) i love to paint (watercolor), but i have seen what the medium is capable of (wyeth) and i am usually disappointed with what i produce. i was supposed to be an artist at some point.

22) i don't think that i have ever really hated anyone for more than an hour, which has taught me what an immature emotion it is.

23) don't take excessive advantage but, if you're my friend and i can do you a favor at all, i almost always will. i try not to expect anything in return but i might call it in someday~

24) my childhood terror was the banshee from 'darby o'gill and the little people'. i saw the movie when i was 3 or 4 and it scared the bejesus out of me. for something like 10 years.

25) i know that i can fit everything i own inside of my nissan se-r. i bet that i could fit everything i need inside of the glove box.

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