July 30, 2008

verifiably strange

matches had a dream last night in which there was a cat, but the cat's fur had been specially, painstakingly-groomed to appear exactly as if the cat had been knitted out of yarn or something. the closest description he can come to for the texture is weaved corduroy....tiny, interlaced cornrows of fur. so, basically, it had the appearance and fabric feel of a stuffed animal, but it walked around and mewed as per normal cat behavior.

does that sound normal to you?


Robert James Reese said...

Very interesting. What color fabric was it? Normal cat colors or something exotic?

I've been having extremely boring dreams lately. Like, dreams of sitting at my desk and working for hours on end. I'd be very happy if a corduroy cat slipped into the rotation.

matches said...

i think it was kind of an odd combination color, like a neutral but with rainbow in it. you know, like those hideous seats that people have in cars all the time, with the rainbow fabrics weaved noticeably through them. bleh.