you and your friend approached me, reading over drinks, and we started talking about books. you asked me what i was reading so i flashed the cover, to which you replied that you had heard of him and read some of his other stuff. i'm certain that you hadn't, but these sorts of tale-spinnings are to be expected in our context. when you brushed your hand through your rigorously-conditioned hair, there was a distinct flicker on the only finger upon which flickers are to be dully noted; now placing your hand on the table it was clearly created by a smallish stone on a golden band.
"oh," i thought.
we continued our conversation for twenty minutes or so, you cooing and low-cut, and when i next looked down i was surprised to find that your ring had somehow managed to find its way off of your finger, vanished to an undisclosed location. there was a little red imprint around your finger where it used to be, and there was honey in your eyes when you looked at me. i hope it wasn't too much effort to pull it off without drawing any attention, because that was the last bit of my attention that you will be drawing from.
1 comment:
I could write a million of those with the tagline "you're actually married." True story.
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