and this prompts a question of what it is about places, so very distinct from people, that draws individuals to them? to begin with, cities~ what kindred spirit can be found swimming through the streets, so much that a city stands out from another? certain places feel like home, even if they are nothing like home proper. they just mesh smoothly with the mind, like a puzzle box; no jagged edges that stand out to scrape harshly on.
" son, i been plenty places in my life and time
and regardless where home is, son, home is mine
we all got to have, a place where we come from
this place that we come from is called home
and even though we may love, this place on the map
said it ain't where you're from, it's where you're at."
~ mos def, "habitat"
ah, mos. if anyone can tell him mos' most shining moment, matches will dispatch a buck or two your way with all haste and conviction of good cause (hint: it's on a cd, not a dvd). portland is phenomenal; it is refreshing to see a city like this. seattle is something that matches cannot quite pin down just yet, but it is also a place with definite and pronounced appeal. what he wants to whittle this point down to, though, is the appeal beyond any family or friends, the attraction beyond personal ties. there exist, clearly, some places that feel 'right'. california did not feel so right...not bad, but not right. portland feels more right. neither of them is colorado, but that thicket is so densely populated with friendly-familiar and also savage animals that matches has a hard time saying whether it is his own weaved webs or the genuine raw appeal of the place that tether his mind to it so often. if a mind can be mapped in the world, then that is where ninety-percent of his is resting, in various peaks and valleys. his emotions, charted all over that terrain, would make an entirely new sort of topographical map with geologically-improbable spikes...from subterranean-cave to mist-curling mountaintop in the same square meter perhaps~
antimatter had a cosmic conversation with josh a few months ago (on the phone, suprisingly enough; considering m has never been a phone-person) about shapes. the world can be collapsed down into the reaches of our minds in a given moment...when you walk into a room, your perception-tendrils reach all around the walls and map out your current mood in this most-current atmosphere. not often do you think 'outside the box', when you are confined in one. not that this a bad thing, is just goes to make a point. the mind and the body are amorphous, but certainly they have individual preferences about how they like to be stretched and puttied about. did you know that your sense of smell is all a microcosm of the fit-the-shaped-block-into-the-sameshaped-hole preschool game? this is why things smell differently than others...receptors absorbing different shapes and activating different whatevers. obviously matches is not scholastically-versed in all the intricacies and buzzwords, but you get the point. reflexes as well, m contributed to the conversation. without a notable thought spinning its way through your consciousness, somehow when the toothpaste is knocked off of the shelf, your body naturally liquidates and is quicksilver-shaped by the current moment and what it requires of you, re-solidifying in the precise configuration necessary to retrieve the toothpaste from midair before it touches the ground. there is the frozen statue-state afterwards, posing in shock and amazement in this position, as if offering to toothpaste as a sacrifice to the gods. that is the shape that the moment required. this happens without thought, pure instinct, in an almost fiction-flash of a second. and matches thinks it is worth contemplating~
we are shaped by our world, and we also can bend it matrixspooningly to our ideas. mattress is thinking that perhaps this is why some places just project that good vibe...they reflect our thoughts back to us in appreciable configurations and rhythms; give us stable ground to stack up our cardhouses instead of rumbles to tumble and blunder them. perhaps this is why some people prefer a molasses-paced country village to a buzzing syncopates better with their natural timings; bounces thoughts and such back at them precisely when they are ready to catch them. perhaps this is why he can always be found at coffee shops...because they steel and protect him from that settled stagnation and quietness that the house usually steeps in. he, perhaps, needs some rocks thrown in his pond, some ripples to ride shore-ward before his thoughts are grounded by harsh realities.
matches is outro; this game being called on account of hunger. have been eyeing people's crepes for an hour now~
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