matches' is bottled up somewheres unbeknownst. have you ever noticed how explosive things become under the right lighting conditions? they flicker with new dimensions and enthusiasms. they pounce off the page, like a pop-up book with something to prove. a short while ago matches was wandering through a jungle-ravine, enjoying the pillars of light crashing down through the canopy. the willowing paths of the falling leaves spiral-sliced through them, down, down (always in a state of return, this 'nature'), and flared against the darkening sky like strands of chinese lanterns. it was the calmest of storms; the most pristine chaos. but the wedges of forest that were too thickened for the sunlight to nestle into, they became two-dimensional...framed and frozen. light is what lends things their motion....any techno club will speak to this phenomenon. only a few souls would dare dance in the dark, the pitch-black, and it is because they carry lamps within. sunlight is warm, purring and primal, and the gradual shading of it only serves to accentuate the times and places when beams beacon-like through the darkness. matches' best example is the rose bush in 'the secret of nimh'. remember?
"in the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary."
~ aaron rose
on another note, mattress was last seen smiling straight through a streetcar ride. kids always have the ability to amaze; in this case it was an entire collection of them variably wearing renditions of business casual, a sweater-vest, and an indiana jones-esque jacket and hat. not to mention the smallest, who probably barely could recreate the sounds to make two distinct words, but managed to say "bye!" (or "buh!", whichever it was) to everyone leaving the train. the tall one with the collar and tie sounded like quite the little botanist, with his ramblings about the tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes all growing on his windowsill. not to mention that when the streetcar first turned the corner for approach, sweater-vest said "it's a green one, exactly as i said it was going to be!" perhaps m is the only one who finds that charming. but that's okay.

a raccoon for you, to complement the random nature of this post.
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