January 5, 2008

mirror mirror

ah, just finished (for the most part) moving into the new place. and by new, matches means, across the hall. if you're asking why, it's because there are a few undeniable perks and the rent is slightly cheaper. tallies were made. labor was weighed into the equation. numbers came out in favor. alright, there were no numbers, but certainly there was a system of feelings or colors or something equivalent that emerged after all factors in a positive light. thus, mattress moves. and coincidentally enough, the mattress was the most difficult part. hithertoforeandsuch you are all warned to never purchase a 'california queen' bed. if you peel those words away, they mean 'big in such a way that you might as well buy a king-size, because it at least would be less awkward to move and perhaps you can find some sheets that fit it properly'. ah well.

this is an interesting experience, though. everything is the same (most things); m's mind can map where it is and know the intricacies that usually take time to absorb, and yet everything is reversed (for he is across the almighty divisive line of the hall). so, this apartment is familiar in theory, yet at the same time verymuch not. the little things that are natural expressions have changed, and when you wander around deep in thought or perhaps in absolute thoughtlessness, you end up in different locations. mattress just recently spun the volition to go into his room, and somewhere along the way got tangled in the strangeness of things and found himself in the hallway by the recycling bins. there was a lot of confusion involved; there still is. certainly there will be some brilliant observations over the next few weeks~ he supposes that the point of all this ranting is that the utility of the maps in his mind are vying for attention....in some ways they are still quite useful, but in other ways (which reveal themselves when they are guiding him in the manner which some things do; simultaneously eclipsed by other more pressing thoughts, but still a steady line of sight and premonition in the back of his mind) being rewritten because adjustments must be made, circuits rerouted, in order to function properly.

sleepy. and yet the night is only recently arrived, and must be adventured into accordingly.

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